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产品名称   货号
Mouse Leukemia inhibitory factor His TagMLH090
Activating transcription factor 2.Human, GST Tag.ATFH110
Activin A  Human Protein (His Tag)ACH026
Activin A Receptor, Type IB HumanAAR080
Activin A Receptor, Type IB Human  His TagARH166
Activin B human his tagABH081
Activin Receptor Human Type-2B His TagARH082
Activin Receptor Type IIA (ACTR-IIA) Human His TagART165
Activin Receptor Type-1B, human, His tagATH107
Adipocyte Adhesion Molecule Human His TagHAA152
Adipocyte Differentiation-Related Protein Human His TagADR159
Adiponectin HumanADH076
Adiponectin/ ACRP30 Rat His TagADR158
Adiponectin-2, MouseALM018
Adipose Triglyceride Lipase (ATGL) Human His TagATL167
Angiopoietin-2 Human His TagALP017
Angiopoietin-like Protein 4 Human His TagAPH161
Angiopoietin-like Protein 4 Mouse His TagAPH162
Angiopoietin-like Protein 8 /Lipasin Human His TagAPH163
Anti His Tag Monoclonal AntibodyAMH142
Anti Myc Monoclonal AntibodyAMA004
Anti-Flag Monoclonal AntibodyAMA143
Anti-GST Monoclonal AntibodyAMA141
Anti-HA Monoclonal AntibodyAMA144
Anti-His Monoclonal Antibody AMA145
Anti-V5 Monoclonal AntibodyAMA146
apolipoprotein E/APOE His TagAMH019
Artemin Human His TagARH164
Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor, HumanBFG01
B-Cell Maturation Antigen mouseMBCM114
Beta Nerve Growth Factor HumanNGF048
Beta Nerve Growth Factor MouseNGF049
Betacellulin His Tag HumanBHT023
Betacellulin HumanBHU024
Bone Morphogenetic Protein Receptor Type-1A Human.BMPH108
Bone morphogenetic protein receptor, type IB,Human.BMPH109
Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 Human His TagBMH169
Bone Morphogenetic Protein-4 Human His TagBMH170
Bone Morphogenetic Protein-5 Human His TagBMH171
Bone Morphogenetic Protein-7 Human His TagBMH172
Brain-specific angiogenesis inhibitor (BAI3) Human His TagBAI168
CD27 antigen,HumanCDH129
CD27 antigen,Human, His tagCDH128
CD27 antigen,MouseMCD130
CD320 Extracellular Domain Human His TagSCD177
CD320 Extracellular Domain Mouse His TagSCD178
CD36 Extracellular Domain Human His Tag EDH173
Cerebellin-1 Human His TagCNH179
Cerebellin-1 Mouse His TagCNH180
Chemokine (C-X-C motif ) Ligand 1, SUMO Tag,HumanCXH135
Ciliary neurotrophic factor MouseCNF014
Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor Receptor Subunit alpha ProteinCNF013
Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor, His TagCNF012
C-X-C motif chemokine 11,Human,His tag.CXH137
CXCL1/GRO alpha, Human, SUMO TagCXH136
Eotaxin-2, MPIF-2 Protein his tagEHR020
Epidermal Growth Factor, HumanEGF063 
Family with sequence similarity 19 (chemokine (C-C motif)-like), member A4, humanFAMH106
Fibroblast growth factor 14, humanFGF035
Fibroblast growth factor 14, human, CanineFGH036
Fibroblast growth factor 17 HumanFGH033
Fibroblast growth factor 18, human (His Tag)FGF039
Fibroblast growth factor 19, HumanFGF034
Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 mouse His TagFGM038
Fibroblast growth factor 21, human  His-tagFGH037
fibroblast growth factor 6, human.FGF032
Fibroblast growth factor 7 Human, His TagFGF028
Fibroblast growth factor 9 HumanFGF031
Fibroblast Growth Factor Binding Protein, His TagFGF046
Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 1 Oncogene Partner.FGF047
Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 2FGF029
Fibroblast Growth Factor-10FGF043
Fibroblast Growth Factor-12, HumanFGF045
Fibroblast Growth Factor-Acidic Human FGF041
Fibroblast Growth Factor-Acidic MouseFGH042
Follistatin Human FLH067
Follistatin MouseFLM068
Granulocyte Macrophage-Colony Stimulating Factor , Mouse.GMC07
Granulocyte Macrophage-Colony Stimulating Factor Human RecombinantGMC06
Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 Mouse RecombinantILG02
Interleukin 13 Human His TagILH055
Interleukin-10 humanILH061
Interleukin-10 Human, His-tag.IHH054
Interleukin-13 HumanILH062
Interleukin-15 Human His TagILH058
Interleukin-18 Human His TagILH064
Interleukin-2 Human ILH056
Interleukin-2 Human His TagILH057
Interleukin-27 Protein,His tagILH073
Interleukin-3 Human Recombinant, His TagIL03
Interleukin-33 Human , His TagILH153
Interleukin-4 HumanILH070
Interleukin-4 Human His TagILH071
Interleukin-6 His TagIL010
Interleukin-7 Human His-TagILH154
Interleukin-8 His TagIL011
Interleukin-9 human, his tagILH065
Interleukin-9 RAT receptor His TagILH066
Keratinocyte Growth Factor-2 Human Recombinant, His TagKGF030
Leukemia inhibitory factor humanLIF089
Leukemia Inhibitory Factor Human His TagLIH088
Macrophage Inflammatory protein-3 alpha (CCL20) Human Recombinant, His TagMIPH104
Macrophage Inflammatory Protein-3 alpha Mouse,His Tag.MMIP105
Macrophage-Colony Stimulating Factor Human, His-tagCSF05
Macrophage-Colony Stimulating Factor Mouse RecombinantCSF04
Monoclonal ANTI-FLAG-Peroxidase (HRP) ConjugatedAMA148
Monoclonal ANTI-GST-Peroxidase (HRP) ConjugatedAMA150
Monoclonal Anti-HA-Peroxidase (HRP) conjugatedAMA149
Monoclonal Anti-myc-Peroxidase (HRP) conjugated.AMA147
Mouse Activin A Protein (His Tag)ACM-027
Mouse BetacellulinMBC025
Mouse Fibroblast Growth Factor 18 His TagFGH040
Mouse Leukemia inhibitory factor his tagMLI091
Mouse Leukemia Inhibitory Factor Receptor Alpha His TagMLH092
Nerve Growth Factor receptor HumanNGR051
Nerve Growth Factor receptor Mouse, His Tag.NGR052
Nerve Growth Factor receptor Mouse.NGR053
Nerve Growth Factor receptor, Human His TagNGR050
Noggin Human Nog09
Noggin Human His TagNOG08
Osteoactivin Human/ GPNMBONH083
Osteoactivin Human/ GPNMB His TagOHH085
Osteoactivin Mouse/ GPNMB His TagMOH084
Patatin-like phospholipase domain protein 3 (PNPLA3) /Adiponutrin Human, His TagPAH160
Progranulin/ Acrogranin Human His TagPAH155
Progranulin/ Acrogranin Mouse His TagPAM156
Progranulin/ Acrogranin Rat His TagPAR157
Rat Adipocyte Adhesion MoleculeRAA151
Recombinant Cynomolgus p53/ TP53EHR021
Soluble CD209 Human His TagSCD176
Stromal cell-derived factor ,HumanCXH140
Thrombopoietin Human/ ThpoTHP069
Thrombopoietin Human/ Thpo His TagTHP059
Thrombopoietin Human/ Thpo Mouse, His TagTHP079
TNF receptor superfamily member 5, mouseMTNF126
TNF receptor superfamily member 5, RatRTNF127
Transforming growth factor-beta-induced protein ig-h3TGF022
Tumor Necrosis Factor Ligand Superfamily Member 9, Human His TagTNF174
Tumor Necrosis Factor Ligand Superfamily Member 9, Mouse His TagTNF175
Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha Human TNF015
Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha MouseTNF016
γ-IFN / IFN-gamma IFN044







5:良好的信誉,大部分客户我们提供货到付款服务,客户包括清华,北大 交大 复旦,中山等100多所大学,ROCHE,阿斯利康,国药 ,fisher等500多家公司

6:我们还是Santa,Advanced Biotechnologies Inc, Biotech Nature,bangs,BBInternational,crystalchem,dianova,FD Neurotechnologies,Inc. FormuMax Scientific,Inc, GePromegaridege, Glycotope Biotechnology GmbH; iduron,Innovative Research of America, Ludger, neuroprobe,omicronbio, Polysciences,prospecbi, QA-BIO,quickzyme,RESEARCH DIETS,INC,sterlitech;sysy,TriLink BioTechnologies,Inc;worthington-biochem,zyagen等几十家国外公司授权代理。
7:我们还是invitrogen,qiagen,Midland BioProducts Corporationam,sigma;Promega,roche,merck, rnd,BD, GE,pierce,BioLegend等*批发,欢迎合作。






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