大脑立体定位仪是一款解剖学精确定位动物大脑或脊髓探针位置的精密仪器.它包含两个主要部分:1).动物头部或脊髓固定器(使实验动物头部或身体在精确的位置或方向被固定) ;2).操作控制器能够精确地位移探针,使其到达实验的部位,这两部分必须密切结合才能达到实验者的目的. myNeuroLab.com数字型脑立体定位仪产品采用的合金材料制造,外观磨光及不粘镀层处理更加稳定,内在质量与其他同类产品相比有本质不同。产品耐磨性能好,不易污染,清洗方便,所以在长期使用后仍能保持外观崭新如初,而且如果需要产品可以整体高压消毒。定位仪底座*的圆弧角设计使得产品在使用和搬运过程中不易磕碰损坏,底座上清晰的刻度坐标使操作更加方便直观。配置高精度位移传感器, 定位精度高达0.01mm,LED显示窗口实时显示三维坐标值,避免在读取坐标时产生误差或影响手术操作. 数字型脑立体定位仪提高了操作的速度,减少了由于使用游标尺和刻度尺而引起的误差。这款简洁的仪器可以通过远控显示器(申请中)显示线性坐标位置读出的数值。操作非常简便而且精确,只需将探针移至前囟并且按下零点调整键,当所有数值显示为零时,开始移动探针直到每个轴都显示了需要的目标坐标。 数字型脑立体定位仪具有很强的兼容性,其他厂商制造的各种标准适配器和探针同样可以在这款仪器上使用。 | Products
Stereotaxic & Surgical Products - Stereotaxic Instruments
- Gas Anesthesia Equipment
- Clippers, Surgical
- Sterilizers
- Drills
- Sutures, Adhesives, and Supplies
- Ventilators
- Environmental Control
- Cautery and electrosurgical gear
- ID systems
- Surgical Monitors
Fiber Optic Illumination - Complete Illumination Systems
Animal Function (Pharmacology or Neuroscience) - Motor Function
- Anxiety and Avoidance
- Analgesia Meters
- Blood Pressure
- Data Acquisition
- Tactile Sensitivity
- Inflammation
- Convulsive Threshold
- Spatial Behavior
Pumps and Fluid Flow Instruments Glass Micropipette Forming | Histology Products - Vibratome™ Vibrating Blade Microtomes
- Leica Cryostat Microtomes
- Leica Sliding Microtomes
- Section Tape Transfer Systems
- Specimen Freezing Devices
- Choppers & Dissection Instruments
- Sacrifice Equipment
- Brain Sectioning Matrices
- Novocastra Reagents and Antibodies
- Service
Microscopes and Micromanipulators - Microscopes
- Micromanipulators
- Stepper Micromanipulators
- Cell Penetrators
Cell/Tissue Support Systems - Isolated Organ Bath
- Synaptosome Superfusion
Books - Brain Atlases
- Nervous System
- Anatomy & Development of Lab Animals
- Methods
Animal Handling Equipment |